MAKE 2022 Your Year

2 min readDec 30, 2021


Make this Year, your year is probably one of the most cliché thing to say when the new year is about to come around. What does it mean to actually make this year your year, will you be working on yourself to achieve a goal or does it sound nice to say in the moment? By mid-year you can tell if someone was serious or not.

The thing is, it really does depend on how bad you want to make the year your year, through trials and tribulations. I think, know that it wouldn’t be easy, especially if you need to overcome a mental hurdle to actually go after whatever it is. It would be worth the fight once it is meaningful enough for you to conquer.

Don’t just say it will be your year without setting out a plan, even if you don’t have everything figured out, even if you don’t have all the details but what you do have is something that can give you guidance. This allows you to even evaluate what you would have written or type out and to make any adjustment you see fit.

Hey, but what happens when you do start the year running and something happens that can hinder you from continue running. Do you stop running? Honestly I don’t know exactly what to say because it can depend on what the situation is and how you respond to it, for instance if a love one dies. Would you be able to overcome such a tragedy to the extent that you can keep running, hopefully that wouldn’t happen to you, wait not hopefully, it wouldn’t, but just know whatever it is, the universe wants you to win even if it doesn’t feel or looks like it.

In life we all grow, mature, evolve. This is your time to continue add value to your life and the people around you. So I am going to be cliché and say MAKE THIS YOUR YEAR.

