How to grow on youtube 10x faster when starting off
Youtube is a revolutionary social media platform. A place where creators strive to make a name for themselves. The platform allows creators to be expressive in their own style and the opportunity to make an everlasting impact. This requires you to work hard and smart and with that being said, this read have your best interest at heart.
One thing to note, it depends upon what you would like your channel to focus on
A channel requires traction, if there’s a trend going around which happens often, you should jump on that bandwagon. I might understand that you mightn’t want to do what everyone is doing. However, when you’re starting out, this may be one of the best tactics to grow your channel 10X faster.
One thing you must consider, that’s, if you would like to continue jumping on trends or create our own style.
This brings us to the next point and that’s to be unique. There’s a likely hood that once your videos are different, persons will more likely to subscribe to your channel. Like what was mentioned above, even though at the beginning you ride the trend wave. YOUR ultimate success will comes from trying to make your video stand out from the rest. It doesn’t matter if everyone is doing a particular trend one way, you try to add some twist to it and you shall be rewarded. Ask others opinion on your videos because they might see something that you don’t, which can help your channel, however don’t take everything as gospel, you must still analyse the advice they give.
Even if there’re things in which you’re truly passionate about doing with a market which may seem saturated, this is where your creative abilities need to shine, for instance the makeup community. Not everyone is going to always click on a video of you putting on your makeup throughout the week but if you add a story that interesting to the audience, they will always come back. To emphasise on this, you can talk about what’s happening in the world, narrate funny stories while putting on your makeup, makeup challenges. A prime example, If you’re a female Police officer, you might talk about some of the most bizarre cases whether on your journey or in history Etc., it’s all up to you to brainstorm.
In an effort to make this short, the final point is to be consistent. This may require you to plan out your days, doesn’t matter if you’re working or a student, with a plan it will makes things easier. Let’s say your lease busy days are Sundays. Then you can dedicate that day to shoot videos and edit. If you can shoot 2 to 3 videos on sundays and the possibility of editing 1 video. Then u can structure within the week to edit the other 2 videos. If you can afford it, you can pay someone to edit your videos, even if it’s just 1, then that’s time you can use to edit the others.
I believe you have it within YOU TO MAKE THIS HAPPEN. Throughout this entire process find inspiration from any and everywhere. It will be a plus having a strong mind-set, even when things may not be going your way. SO LET’S GO And GET IT.